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19 FEBRUARY  |  11:30 - 13:00 Sala Cedro - Pav. C7

PowerHop: Hops to the Nth Power

organized by Il Giardino delle Luppole


Michela Nati
Agricultural entrepreneur of the Bellavista Society
Paola di Giambattista
The healthy food specialist Nutritional kitchen consultant expert in Nutraceuticals
Eleni Pisano
Food Manager, Beer specialist/writer and communication systems
Emy Basile
Pastry Chef by Passion, Chocolate Artist
Katya Carbone
Researcher at CREA
19 FEBRUARY  |  13:00 - 13:30 Beer&Tech Arena - Hall A7/C7


Matteo Bartolini
CIA Agricoltori italiani National Vice President
Matteo Rancan
Regional Councillor Emilia-Romagna
Silvio Menghini
Professor of Agro-Food Marketing University of Florence
Francesca Marchetti
Regional Councillor Emilia-Romagna
Andrea Soncini
Unionbirrai Councillor
Federico Bianco
Birrificio Bellazzi, Ub Emilia-Romagna referent