Publican, Taster, Judge: three different approaches to beers. How to make the most of them?
- Monday, February 17, 2025
- 11:00 - 11:30
- Memo
- Beer&Tech Arena - Pav. C7
- organized by Unione Degustatori Birre
- Carlo Vischi Agribusiness and food tourism consultant
- Lorenzo Dabove International taster and judge. President of the Technical Scientific Committee of the Academy of Professions in Padua
- Mauro Pellegrini President Beer Tasters Union
- Vittorio Morelli Secretary Unione Degustatori Birre
- Danilo Caruso Entrepreneur, publican, producer and distributor (Beerfellas and Golden Pot in Guidonia - RM)
The event will delve into the figures of publican, taster and judge in the field of brewing, defining their roles, skills and responsibilities. The commercial function will be discussed, and of course there will be mention of the current, very delicate situation regarding the recent closures of well-known breweries in the sector.
- Beer & Beverage
- Talk