International Horeca Meeting
International Horeca Meeting, in its 14th edition, will be held in Rimini from 16 to 18 February 2025 as part of Beer&FoodAttraction.
IHM is the place where the entire beverage supply chain comes together and where beverages play a leading role in meeting distributors and consumption venues to generate new business opportunities.
At the event, leading representatives from associations, research institutes and beverage production companies will illustrate the future of the sector and the opportunities to be seized by sharing market data and forecasts, with a special focus on training activities.
The event involves managers from the most important Italian food & beverage industries, who will discuss future visions in the Out Of Home sector, demonstrations, product tastings and B2B meetings in a friendly and informal setting.
IHM at Beer&Food Attraction 2025:
- 3 days dedicated to professionals from Sunday to Tuesday;
- unique location in the beverage pavilion, C3, in the heart of the event;
- physical event with digital extension.
IHM represents the showcase of excellence to tell the values that characterise the brands through a physical event with digital extension, a unique opportunity to present the new products to an audience that finds Beer&Food Attraction the most suitable context to discover the trends to be launched in view of the summer season.
Horeca Arena
The IHM´s Horeca Arena will be animated by a rich programme of talks and workshops in collaboration with the industry´s associations and prestigious research companies that will outline the future scenarios and opportunities in the sector.
The Horeca Arena will be located inside the Beer&Food Attraction pavilions, between the halls dedicated to beer and beverages (Hall C3) with the aim of creating an even more virtuous union with all the players in the supply chain.
Here is the schedule of events during the 3 days in Horeca Arena
11 - 11:30 a.m. | Opening Beer & Food Attraction e BBTech expo 2025
2:30 - 3 p.m. | 3 P per l’Horeca: Product, Planet, People: in concert for the future
3:30 - 4 p.m. | Spirits, Mixology e il trend del No.Lo. Alcol: Nuove Sfide in un mercato in evoluzione.
4:30 - 5 p.m. | Oltre la sugar tax: l'evoluzione dei soft drink fra criticità e innovazioni
2 - 2:30 p.m. | Presentazione degli Studenti della X Edizione del Master In Trade Management Horeca
2:30 - 3 p.m. | Vino, la tempesta perfetta, le prospettive del mercato tra Codice della strada, rischio
dazi e alert in etichetta.
3:30 - 4 p.m. | Riflettori sull'Acqua: La Qualità al ristorante che fa la Differenza" - Come l'Acqua Minerale Arricchisce l'Esperienza Gastronomica rispetto all'Acqua di Rete
4:30 - 5 p.m. | Mondo Birra, come rilanciare i consumi: il ruolo dell’industria e della distribuzione.
11 - 11:30 a.m. | Parliamone insieme davanti a un caffe: talk show con i manager dell’industria.
11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m | Mercato Away From Home: stato dell’arte e prospettive
2 - 2:30 p.m. | Parliamone insieme davanti a un caffè