• Monday, February 19, 2024
  • 14:30 - 15:00
  • Memo
  • Horeca Arena, Pad. A6
  • organized by Italgrob
  • Francesca Benini Cantine Riunite Sales & Marketing Director
  • Paola Giacchero ADHOR President & ITALGROB counselor
  • Serena Savoca Marketing Director, Carlsberg Italia

Alcohol-free drinking is a fast-growing market worth over $12 billion with double-digit growth rates predicted in the coming years, according to the International Wine & Spirits Research (IWSR). This world is changing primarily due to two reasons: health and functionality. People are limiting their alcohol intake to avoid damage to their bodies or because they are tired, have work to do, or have to drive. How do key producers such as beer and wine prepare for this phenomenon? A phenomenon that also involves beverage distribution that would see volumes of premium products take the path of low and free alcohol and therefore lose economic value. A change that is also a challenge that presents opportunities: new targets, new opportunities for consumption, and maybe even more consumption?