Giangiacomo Pierini
President Assobibe
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17 FEBRUARY | 10:30 - 12:30
Neri Room - Hall Sud
Out of home: time for change! Policies and strategies for sustainable recovery
organized by Italgrob
Paolo Petrecca
Rai News 24 Director
Rai News 24 Director
Antonio Portaccio
President of Italgrob
President of Italgrob
Benedetta Brioschi
Head of The European House Ambrosetti (THEA) Food&Retail&Sustainability Practice.
Head of The European House Ambrosetti (THEA) Food&Retail&Sustainability Practice.
Francesco Mutti
President Centromarca
President Centromarca
Alfredo Pratolongo
President of AssoBirra
President of AssoBirra
Giangiacomo Pierini
President Assobibe
President Assobibe
Dino Di Marino
Italgrob General Manager
Italgrob General Manager