Francesco Maietta - Head of Social Policies for Censis

Head of Social Policies for Censis

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  • 19 Feb

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19 FEBRUARY  |  10:30 - 13:00 Sala Neri - Hall Sud

The congress of the HoReCa

organized by Italgrob


Antonio Portaccio
Italgrob President
Corrado Peraboni
CEO Italian Exhibition Group
Sen. Alessandro Morelli
Sottosegretario di Stato alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Adriano Bordignon
President Forum delle associazioni familiari
Gian Carlo Blangiardo
Past President ISTAT
Francesco Maietta
Head of Social Policies for Censis
Alfredo Pratolongo
Assobirra President
Enrico Zoppas
Mineracqua President
Giangiacomo Pierini
Assobibe President
Paolo Petrecca
Director of Rai News 24