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Championships of Italian Cuisine - STREET FOOD D'AUTORE
organized by FIC - Federazione Italiana Cuochi
Italian Cooking Championships - CONTEST SPECIAL BOYS
organized by FIC - Italian Cooks Federation
Italian Culinary Championships - BEST HIGH SCHOOLS
organized by FIC - Italian Cooks Federation
Italian Cooking Championships - BEST LADY CHEF PROFESSIONAL.
organized by FIC - Italian Cooks Federation
Global Chefs Challenge - European Grand Prix
organized by World Association of Chefs' Societies - WORLDCHEFS
Italian Cooking Championships - HOT COOKING TEAM AREA
organized by FIC - Italian Cooks Federation
Opening Beer&Food Attraction e BBTech expo 2025
organized by Italian Exhibition Group
Fermented Symposium: the art of pizza and beer pairing!
organized by Unionbirrai e Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli
The Sound of the Future
organized by Rumore
Corporate Bars & Beverage Director
Bars & Beverage Manager
Lorenzo Cagnoni Award
organized by Italian Exhibition Group, in partnership with ANGI - Associazione Nazionale Giovani Innovatori e ICE Agenzia
The ten things I learned from opening a bar
organized by L'antiquario
Co-founder of L'Antiquario Napoli, bartender and ambassador of Italian mixology.
Italian Craft Beer Conference - 2° Generation of Slovenian Grand CRU Hops
organized by Italian Hops Company
The evolution of Paradiso
organized by Paradiso
bar supervisor
Uses and evolutions of ice-between myths to dispel and new trends
organized by FREDD
Management Engineer Fredd.ice
3 P per l’Horeca: Product, Planet, People: in concert for the future
organized by Italgrob
CoFounder and Coo of Fourgreen
BioQitchen Director
Marketing Director Conserve Italia
Brand Ambassador Bonollo 1908
Spirits, mixology, and the no/low alcohol trend: new challenges in an evolving market
organized by Italgrob
Ceo e Founder
Ing. MBA Fratelli Branca Distillerie
Wine & spirtis strategic Advisor
Founder of Planetone SB
Beverage NetWork Director
BOEM: deconstructing a low alc recipe, thinking outside the box
organized by BOEM
Owner of Unseen
Bar manager, gesto Milano
For a more efficient supply chain
Even in the brewing sector, quality can no longer be discussed without considering the various aspects of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social. Companies, associations, and institutions are launching individual or integrated projects to achieve increasingly ambitious sustainability goals.
organized by Imbottigliamento
President of AssoBirra
Unionbirrai General Manager
President Italian Beer Consortium
Coordinator Beer Supply Chain - Imbottigliamento
University of Perugia Professor
Director Assobibe
Sales Manager Gruppo Lunelli
Di.Al Consortium Director.
EMEA Solutions Delivery SVP
Sales Director Coca Cola HBC Italia